Writing Love Letters Tumblr Posts Funny


"Three's a crowd."

So, it turns out time passes in Beach City! Its residents aren't in a Springfield Limbo where seasons change but ages stay the same, and this opens a whole new realm of possibilities to expand the ongoing narrative of Steven growing up by having him actually grow up. We really shouldn't take this for granted, considering how easy it is for a cartoon to freeze characters (especially child characters) in time, and honestly my biggest initial takeaway from Love Letters is that it's the first episode that deals with how the passage of time by itself, rather than a series of events like Steven's adventures, affects the show and its characters. This is a show where Steven, Lars, and Sadie disappeared for a week and nobody seemed to notice, so yeah, it matters.

The reason time alone is a factor is because we focus on the all-but-forgotten Jamie the Mailman. After a cameo in Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem, Jamie disappears without a trace for thirty episodes. This isn't remarkable for a side character, especially one whose only other appearance is the first scene of the third episode. Jamie may be sweet and funny inCheeseburger Backpack, but on a show full of sweet and funny characters he was easily lost in the background.

Well, it turns out his absence for the latter half of Season 1 has an in-universe explanation, one that allows the show to hang a quick lampshade on the common trope of vanishing characters while reintroducing him to those of us that forgot he existed: Jamie was literally gone, looking for his big break in the bright lights and busy streets of the Sunflower State, the big KS itself, home of Dorothy Gale and the Rockin' Chalkin' Jayhawks, that's right,Kansas.


I'm really glad he's back! Jamie is similar to Ronaldo in his role as a background character and occasional lead whose cluelessness is played for laughs and occasional drama. Both are passionate about self-expression (Jamie through acting, Ronaldo through blogging and the occasional documentary) and show some skill at it, but think themselves masters. However, where Ronaldo fluctuates between funny and grating at the drop of a fedora, Jamie is a consistent force for entertainment; he never reaches the comedic highs of Ronaldo's A-game, but we never suffer any lows.

The secret, I think, is that Jamie's core kindness evokes empathy instead of annoyance when he goes off the rails. His silliness doesn't hurt anyone, and in an episode where he could've turned bitter and nasty over romantic rejection, he handles it surprisingly well considering his maturity level in other regards. This reaction may be a thematic necessity to teach Steven and Connie and the audience a generic "honesty is good" lesson, but it sets the tone for Jamie's fascinating ability to be self-important without being a jerk.

Jamie's overacting always benefits from Eugene Cordero's veteran comedy chops, but is amped up even further by Lamar Abrams and Hellen Jo's delightful brand of hypersilliness (see: Steven and Garnet's workout in Future Vision, Amethyst's burial service in Watermelon Steven, all of Rising Tides, Crashing Skies). Jamie's love letter is zany enough, but actually seeing him write it does wonders to enhance what could have been a simple letter-reading sequence. Even if Jamie didn't literally write the letter this way, it's a nice peek into his ridiculous self-image, complete with anime twinkles.


Steven and Connie are classic theatrical meddlers in a classic farce, where love letters gone awry and easily avoidable misunderstandings create melodramatic tension. It's a nifty twist that they aren't playing matchmakers despite their resemblance to middlemen like Don Pedro or Dolly Levi, but just want to spare Jamie's feelings. And I love that Steven, a hero with a weakness for schmaltz, rejects the idea of Jamie and Garnet as a couple even before Garnet does, solidifying that neither the show nor our well-meaning but misguided kids are going in that direction.

(Love Lettersalso don't drag out secret of who wrote "Garnet's" response letter, which further subverts typical farce tropes but probably has more to do with the eleven minute runtime.)


As Jamie says, Steven and Connie are super cute. It's nice to have them as supporting characters (albeit the characters with the most screen time); we get snippets of them just hanging out in most of their episodes, but this time it doesn't contrast with more serious drama like Connie's replacement by a doppelganger or the possible end of their friendship. This is the first full episode of the two kids just being kids since Winter Forecast (oh look, another Jo/Abrams episode), and it's soon to be followed by Connie's temporary indoctrination; heavy episodes like Full Disclosure and Sworn to the Swordmay be great, but a respite is appreciated.

Fortunately, a calmer (if wackier) tone doesn't mean Love Letters lacks good character moments. Connie gets a quiet display of her growing emotional intelligence in the back-to-back scenes of Jamie's admission of multiple rejections and the rewrite of Garnet's letter. In the first scene, after hearing all about Jamie's emotionally vulnerable state, she sees no issue with handing him another rejection and has to be stopped by Steven; whether or not ripping off the bandage is the right course of action, Connie's reaction shows a distinct lack of tact. But in the second scene, she's the head writer of the revamped letter (using the power of torrid soap opera know-how); even if she and Steven are way off-track in terms of how romance works here, she understands the problem and wants to help.

Little slip-ups and corrections like these do a great job of showing how far Connie has come from Bubble Buddies without losing the realistic awkwardness that makes her so endearing. Her disadvantage to Steven on the emotional intelligence front also continues to even out their relationship, as she schools him in book smarts throughout the series and will soon become a far more capable tactical fighter to his natural talent, a la Katara and Aang. Just because Steven isn't an idiot and Connie isn't emotionless doesn't mean their differences have to go away, and Love Letters is a great example of her lower-key foil duty in action.


Garnet is mostly great as the oblivious, then apathetic subject of Jamie's affection. Her sexualized emergence from the sea is played for laughs thanks to over-the-top visual effects and Estelle's exaggerated sultriness. Visually, while her introduction may evoke classic Birth of Venus imagery, the more amusing sight gag can be found in the, erm, interesting positioning of Jamie's mailsackmalebag mailbag as he's filled with sudden lust:


But back to Garnet. Her instant and insistent dismissal of Jamie may be cold, but it's fair and faithful to her character: Garnet is locked down on the relationship front, and we've seen how little she cares about the feelings of human strangers from her interactions with Kofi (and her general demeanor). She benefits from having little to do with Steven and Connie's scheming, which makes her another victim of poor communication who gets fed up with what she perceives to be a pushy admirer instead of doubling down on her bluntness to a point that might make her seem mean; it also reinforces how important is to take the feelings of both people involved in a crush into account.

Even so, my biggest/only issue with Love Letters is her final conversation with Jamie, where she dismisses his infatuation as a performance. I guess I get that she's trying to let him down easier than before and is putting things in a way he understands, but there's a much better way to differentiate between love and a crush than essentially saying his crush is delusional. As someone who's had crushes and has been in love, sure, the latter is strong enough to make the former look tame in retrospect. But that doesn't make infatuation an act, and for a show that's all about feelings, Steven Universe could do way better at explaining Garnet's point of view without being condescending about someone's emotions (especially the emotions of a young audience).


That said, Jamie's response is somewhat true: local theater, at least, is really solid advice.

Future Vision!

  • Beyond local theater being in the future, Love Letters gets a nice resolution in Jamie insisting that he's moved on in I Am My Mom. And then we get to see that, uh, nope, he's still holding the torch as of Reunited.
  • Our introduction to Barb is a long time coming, and the fact that she knows Greg telegraphs their low-key and largely off-screen friendship.

If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have inconsistencies…

  • Despite Garnet proclaiming that love at first sight doesn't exist, The Answer more or less shows Ruby and Sapphire's relationship to be just that. Maybe they spent more time on the surface getting to know each other than it seems, but as per its fairy tale nature, love springs up pretty much immediately. (And it's great! But maybe don't have that person be against the notion of instant love.)

We're the one, we're the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!

I enjoy the goofiness here and the dedication to a farcical format for a theatrical character, and as I said, the acknowledgment that time is an actual factor for this show earns some points. But beyond not sticking the landing, and it's honestly just a littletoo broad to be a favorite.

Top Fifteen

  1. Steven and the Stevens
  2. Mirror Gem
  3. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  4. Alone Together
  5. The Return
  6. Jailbreak
  7. Rose's Scabbard
  8. Coach Steven
  9. Giant Woman
  10. Winter Forecast
  11. On the Run
  12. Warp Tour
  13. Maximum Capacity
  14. The Test
  15. Ocean Gem

Love 'em

  • Laser Light Cannon
  • Bubble Buddies
  • Tiger Millionaire
  • Lion 2: The Movie
  • Rose's Room
  • An Indirect Kiss
  • Space Race
  • Garnet's Universe
  • Future Vision
  • Marble Madness
  • Political Power
  • Full Disclosure
  • Joy Ride

Like 'em

  • Gem Glow
  • Frybo
  • Arcade Mania
  • So Many Birthdays
  • Lars and the Cool Kids
  • Onion Trade
  • Steven the Sword Fighter
  • Beach Party
  • Monster Buddies
  • Keep Beach City Weird
  • Watermelon Steven
  • The Message
  • Open Book
  • Story for Steven
  • Shirt Club
  • Love Letters


  • Cheeseburger Backpack
  • Together Breakfast
  • Cat Fingers
  • Serious Steven
  • Steven's Lion
  • Joking Victim
  • Secret Team
  • Say Uncle

No Thanks!

     4. Horror Club
     3. Fusion Cuisine
     2. House Guest
     1. Island Adventure


Source: https://stevenuniversallyreviews.tumblr.com/post/163343568528/episode-56-love-letters

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